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 Thoughtful Ocean

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Age : 26
Location : Er... I forget what I was going to put here... :S

Thoughtful Ocean Empty
PostSubject: Thoughtful Ocean   Thoughtful Ocean Icon_minitimeTue Dec 23, 2008 7:27 pm

Espio sat on the edge of one of the docks. He watched as all the commotion happend WAY to the right of where he was sitting. After The tussel with the strange hedgehog the night before, he decided to keep it away from home for the night. Vector was gone pretty much the whole night, and came back slightly drunk. Espio guessed he had gone to the bar or something. As for charmy, He was fast asleep by the time he got back. He gazed off into the ocean distance, wondering what may lie in wait, deep in the vast land of anchinet blue water. The late morning sun sparkled off on the cargo ships as men loaded them with whatever they were to carry. No cruses today. He thought. He didn't have an escape plan if the hedgehog showed up. Espio's slight smile dissappered as he thought of that disturbing hedgehog, and what a killer like that could do to him. He could even see through my Invisablity... that has always been my advantadge. When he was young and in training, he remembered the legend of the "Dark Shadow Master". He compared the two, and found a slight match. (not really.) It is possible.... No, not possible. it was just a dogo legend to teach the children legends and myths of the olden times. But was it? He had no clue, but he did know that for him to get scared and get such bad chills at the meere thought of someone, there had to be a very dark energy serounding that person. he shook his head of that frightful matter, and returned to his thoughts.
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PostSubject: Re: Thoughtful Ocean   Thoughtful Ocean Icon_minitimeTue Dec 23, 2008 10:44 pm

Shadow smiled to himself. A drunk crocodile. Now THAT was funny. Weren't they supposed to be some of the greatest killers ever, not the greatest drunkards ever? His rocket shoes made soft thumps! on the wood of the docks. He neared his target. The thumps came quicker. He looked lost in thought, the chameleon. He came closer. Espio was still deep in thought. He stopped behind him, his shadow darkening the chameleon. His reflection covered Espio's. "Boo," he said softly into Espio's ear. His smile became wider, until it wasn't a smile at all, but a contortion of teeth."Did I scare the little Espio?" He asked softly, his voice taunting. " I think your little bumblebee friend might want to be let loose safely, don't you?" He shrugged. "Maybe not. I can always keep him as a pet. Maybe you'd like to rescue him?" His voice sneered. " I doubt you wouldn't. Follow me." And he was off, like a shadow, a wraith, heading towards the old slaughterhouse.
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Location : Er... I forget what I was going to put here... :S

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PostSubject: Re: Thoughtful Ocean   Thoughtful Ocean Icon_minitimeWed Dec 24, 2008 2:02 pm

Espio jumped up, mouth gaping, thinking he might have dozed off and had a nightmare about the Shadow that mingled with his calm self. He found himself proved wrong when he turned around and saw a dark yellow streak, glittering in the sunlight. CHARMY! Espio chased after Shadow, filled with rage. I knew I should have gone home! He couldn't resist imagining Vector attempting to defend against the Lightening quick hedgehog in his drunken state, and Charmy unable to do anything but flee from his Captor. I knew I should have just gone home... I could have protected them! And I should have... Espio felt lost. He blamed himself for the catching of Charmy, and that didn't help the current situation. He snapped back to his senses as he reached the slaughterhouse. There was a shattered window, and he heard a terrified scream coming from the inside. Espio winced lightly, scared for the poor child's safety. He finally, rather pissed off, grabbed his knife, and the gleam in his eyes changed from sorrowful to merciless. Its show time. He broke down the old door and stood at the entrance. Charmy looked up, Espio! A feeling of relief spread through Espio. At least Charmy wasn't dead...quite yet.... Espio quickly banished the feeling and looked around for the hedgehog. You've made quite a mistake Shadow! And you WILL pay the price!
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Thoughtful Ocean Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thoughtful Ocean   Thoughtful Ocean Icon_minitimeSun Feb 01, 2009 1:48 pm

There was no sound. Shadow waited, lounging in a corner. He yawned. He threw a pebble at Espio's head. Then he threw a rock at the weird nerd-bee's. He left the slaughterhouse, but left a note:
[i]Hello, my dear Espio. It seems you're rather dull. I got bored watching you. So maybe your nerd-bee is recovering from the rock I threw at his head. Or maybe not. I have business. So bye-bye now. Not telling you where I've gone. (OOC: He's still at the Deck)
I hope you die a very painful death,
Your worst nightmare,
Satisfied with his note, he darted out of the slaughterhouse. Like he'd said, he had business.
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PostSubject: Re: Thoughtful Ocean   Thoughtful Ocean Icon_minitimeThu Feb 05, 2009 2:25 pm

Espio quickly lifted a hand to his head and rubbed the spot where the rock hit, Ow! He looked around to make sure him leaving wasn't a trick and rushed to Charmy's side, Charmy? Are you alright? Charmy sat up, his hands and legs tied, Espio! It happened so quickly! I didn't know what to do, Vector he- Espio covered the young child's mouth with his finger, Hush there Charmy, Your safe now. He began to untie the ropes, Now, did you manage to see what happened to Vector? Charmy shook his head sadly, No.... It all happened so quickly.. The scene flashed through His head as he explained to Espio what happened as easily as he could.


CRASH A window shattered, and a black and red streak shot through. Charmy instantly sat up in bed when he heard Vector yelling down-stairs and shattering glass. He sat up in bed and flew down the stairs. Vector and a hedgehog were fighting, and the hedgehog was winning. Vector! Charmy cried, scared. The hedgehog looked up and saw him, And Charmy's heart raced. He ran back up the stairs and tried to hide. The hedgehog made quick work of knocking Vector out and ran up after him. Charmy tried not to breathe as he hid where and how Espio had told him, inside the air vent behind his bed. He saw the hedgehog's shoes as he walked around the room. Charmy made the simple mistake of breathing out too loudly, and the hedgehog found him. AHHHHHHHHHHH! VECTOR! The hedgehog grabbed him, and he managed to escape from his grip. "Hey you!" The hedgehog yelled as he tried to grab him again. Charmy flew away as quickly as he could, and the break-in soon became a Cat and Mouse chase around the house. Eventually though, Charmy wore out being so young, and ended up slowing down. The hedgehog caught him, and Charmy went berserk, crying with fear, LET ME GO LET ME GO LET ME GO! he cried through tears. "Shut up you little punk!" The hedgehog snapped, and put him into a bag. Charmy continued to cry through the whole trip to the slaughter-house. When he was tied, he tried to come up with an escape plan. What did he know about this hedgehog? Well not much. He knew he could fly for a short amount of time, which was absolutely not good, but not very high. He could run REALLY fast, about as fast as Sonic. Maybe faster! That thought gave Him chills. He knew he had disturbing red eyes, and a heart stopping glare, which also was not good. Charmy began to observe his environment, a little too freely, because the hedgehog soon figured out what he was doing. "Don't even think about it." The hedgehog said, "Your precious little Esp-idiot will be here any moment." He sneered. Don't talk about Espio like that or you'll be sorry! Charmy said, angry, He could beat you easily! Especially since he is the greatest Ninja in the world! The hedgehog laughed, "Really now? Then how come he panicked when he met me, and ran away like a little BABY?" Charmy flapped his wings rapidly out of frustration; He wanted to show this hedgehog what he was made of! He pushed off the box he was sitting on and flew at the hedgehog, hitting him across the face with his tied legs. The hedgehog whacked him back to the box and pinned him across the neck with his arm, "Stay still you little twerp!" Charmy screamed. (thus the scream Espio heard from outside) The hedgehog backed off back to his corner and Charmy was left stuck on the box, again. Charmy scowled, annoyed his plan failed. Then Espio burst in the door, The end.


........ It took Espio a minute to ponder all this through. What was he going to do? He wasn't the vengeful type, but hate flowed through him like an ocean. He had never let his anger get this far, how could he have let it happen? He knew he was drowning, but for some reason he enjoyed it. This must be how Shadow feels his whole life... Nothing but hate and an urge to kill... Poor guy, he really needs to get a life. Espio was shocked that he even thought that last line. A simple price to pay for the energy he needed to end this being's life. Yet he didn't NEED to KILL this guy did he? It would feel great, but.... no he couldn't. No way. Too much blood would be spilled, blood that wouldn't need to be spilled at all. Stiiiillllll....... ESPIO STOP IT! He looked back at the waiting Charmy, Charmy, go find Sonic, or someone. Go back to Vector under their protection. I might be back. It hurt to say that last sentence, Especially to Charmy. Charmy widened his eyes, Espio, don't even think about it! He flew over and hugged him tightly, Don't go! He might kill you! Don’t do it Espio! PLEEEASE!Grief and guilt tore at Espio's heart, but it had to be done. Charmy... Charmy only hugged tighter, PLEAASSEE! Espio hugged Charmy for perhaps the last time, And the pain of the moment was getting to him. Charmy, I need you to stay strong for me. Vector and everybody else will need you. Tears flowed down Charmy's face as he looked dup at Espio's face. He nodded slowly. Espio pulled out his spare Knife, I want you to have this Charmy. Carry on in my stead. Charmy was awe stuck with shock and sorrow as he held the knife. He gripped the handle tightly, and nodded, tears no longer tearing at his face. Espio rubbed Charmy's head, and left the slaughter-house, after the one who had caused him and his friends so much pain. He shot back to the dock, Hate and the thirst for revenge giving him power. He hunted around for any traces of the hedgehog, Eager to fight.

(howz zat for a post eh?) Razz
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Thoughtful Ocean Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thoughtful Ocean   Thoughtful Ocean Icon_minitimeSat Mar 07, 2009 4:07 pm

OOC: Goodness XD. And you need to get on CW, ShadowWolf.

Shadow rubbed his rings. They annoyed him sometimes, but he was deep in thought now, and rubbed the rings absentmindedly. He thought of Maria's face when she sent him to this awful planet. His memory came rushing back....
"Maria!" he had called. "Maria! Run, follow me!" He had grabbed her hand and dragged her down the hallway of the ARK, professor Robotnik running after them. He heard a gun shot and ran faster, not looking back. Suddenly they were at the end of the hallway. He could see the escape hatch. He ran towards it, but Maria cried, "Shadow! No!" And he hesitated. The worst mistake of his horrible life. She pushed him into the escape hatch-alone- and closed the door. She put her hand on the lever. A soldier came in, shouting, "Don't pull that lever, miss!" Maria gripped it harder. More soldiers crowded into the doorway. The soldier raised his gun. Shadow had been pounding at the door, trying to get out... and Maria, with a sad smile, simply said, "Goodbye." And she pulled the lever. Simultaneously, a gunshot sounded and Maria crumpled to the floor. And he had been sent whizzing through space to the planet he and Maria had always dreamed about going to....

He crumpled to the ground and cried out a cry so full of misery people started crying for no reason, "MARIAAAAA!" The cry echoed around the dock.
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PostSubject: Re: Thoughtful Ocean   Thoughtful Ocean Icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2009 9:17 pm

Espio looked up in the direction of the cry, "What the heck what that?" he said out loud, but he already knew. The sorrow in Shadow's voice got to him, and he began to ponder the entire situation. Er.... Maybe this isn't such a good idea... He thought, Yeah, I change my mind, (OOC: XD make up yer mind Espio! Lawl!) This isn't such a good idea at all... But then again, from the sound of that yell he didn't sound too happy about being alive at all. He continued to ponder the situation for quite a while, and suggested to himself be ought to visit an old friend...

(Surprise surprise! >3 hold your horses I'm working on the design for -it, not telling u- so hold on LOL)

He ran out of the dock area and toward a large wooded area. As he ran past the slaughter-house, he didn't notice Charmy standing in the door-way. "Espio!" He said; glad to see he was alive. Espio, however, was running too fast to hear and ran past him before Charmy even spoke. He paused for a short moment at the edge of the forest, wondering if his friend was even still there, or remembered him. I think she should still be there. He thought, If not I can track her down easily, It's not like she could EVER forget me anyway. She never could. With a small smile, he disappeared under the guard and shade of sturdy and powerful trees.

( confused I know I know, give me a little while ok? I'll get her up on the charie list soon enough. She's complicated and all my drawings suck so there! >O It's annoying me just as much as you.. -.-'
-coughI'mneverthissharpIt'smenttobefunnycough- My uploader is not being friendly right now also.. DX)
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Thoughtful Ocean Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thoughtful Ocean   Thoughtful Ocean Icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2009 7:41 pm

Shadow lay listlessly for a while, then got up. He dragged his feet as he walked to the place where he was sleeping...
Flint rolled her eyes at Shadow. "What'd ya do now, Shady?" Shadow glared at her. "Shut up, Flint." "Ooooh, Shady has a temper! What'cha got that for?" "Flint..." "Shady has a temperrrr, Shady has a big 'ol fat temperrrrrrrr!!" "Flint, shut up or I'll smash your stupid hand-me down of a hoverboard!" Flint looked offended. "Fine. Back off. I was having fun." "It's not fun to me. I'll kick you out of my house." "It's not a house." "It is to me. Now shut up for the last time, I had a rough day. Go work out or spy on somebody." Shadow walked out of the small room into his own. "Whatever. Going out to see Juli and race." "I thought I told you to shut up, Flint." "Ok. Suit yourself." The door slammed and the sound of a hoverboard speeding away was heard.
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Thoughtful Ocean Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thoughtful Ocean   Thoughtful Ocean Icon_minitimeSun Mar 29, 2009 1:50 pm

(BTW, since there is no forest RP place, I'm just going to do this post here XD)

Espio ran through the forest, recognizing locations and sounds as he went. He had come down this path many times through-out his life, sometimes in pain, other times in calm friendship. Slowing to a halt, Espio gazed upon a humongous Oak, reaching over the forest itself. He couldn't help a small laugh as he heard mild crashes, a woman yelling, and birds tweeting in panic. "Outta my house!" *CRASH* "Out! I said OUT!" A small clot of birds flew out of a gap a few feet off the ground. Espio heard a sulk, and decided it was safe to go in now.. (O-O') He rounded a bit to the right of the huge tree, and found a large natural hole set on the ground. This place hasn't changed a bit. He thought it awe. The inside wood of the old tree was still glimmery honey-gold, and a familiar figure was at work with herbs. Espio gave a small knock to the side of the opening, "Is it safe to come in yet?" He asked, his voice tinted with a humorous tone. The wolf smiled broadly the instant she heard his voice, "Espio!" She cried out joyfully. She got off of the small stool she had been sitting on and gave him a tight hug. For a few seconds Espio couldn't breathe. "I'm so glad to see you! 'Where ya been?" The wolf asked, inviting him in. Espio found somewhere to sit and answered, "Oh man.... I swear I've been around the world a billion times with Charmy gripping my leg." Seala giggled, "Speaking of the devil, how is the little guy?" Espio's smile disappeared, "Not well at all..." Seala perked her ears, "How come?" she asked-rather worried. Espio let out a big gust of air, "He was kidnapped." He said plainly. This was shocking news to Seala. "Kidnapped?! By whom?" She could see the remaining glint in Espio's eyes fade, this whole factor clearly disturbed him. "A black and red hedgehog," he answered dully, "by the name of Shadow." Seala's widened, "Shadow???" She wanted to make sure she heard that right. Espio nodded, "Yes, Shadow." He didn't lift his head, but he watched with dark eyes as Seala looked for her Journal. She returned to her stood and shook her head in disbelief, "I don't believe it..." she muttered. Espio lifted his head, curious. Seala read out loud so he could hear, "June 14th of 2008.

I was walking through the woods today, when I heard voices. Startled, I hid behind a tree and peered around it, listening in on their conversation. "So, I hear that this is the 49th year that 'Project "Shadow"' has been sealed up?" one said. "Yeah," the other replied, "Personally I can't believe the government has managed to keep this whole thing a secret for so long!" the first one laughed, "Hey, if they can keep the fact that they killed so many people on the ARK a secret then call it an accident, they could keep that thing a secret no matter what!" They both burst into laughter, apparently finding the factor amusing. I narrowed my eyes, wondering just what this whole thing was about. I slipped back home, grabbed my lap-top, and locked the door to my room. I looked up the official government site and it asked me for a password. I had known the password since I was twelve. What a stupid password. Anyway, it let me in and I clicked on the 'Area 51' link. The background was a huge ware-house with BILLIONS of wooden crates lined up. I scanned all the different pop-up links, until I found what I was looking for: Project "Shadow". I clicked on the small link, and a page filled with tons and tons of information popped up on screen. "Where in the world did all this information COME from?" I muttered, feeling betrayed that the government- THE ONE WE DEPEND OUR LIVES ON EVERY DAY- kept such a secret from the loyal people.. I had only just finished reading the page, when a heard a knock at my door. "Seala!" It was my mom. I shut the pages down quickly, just as my mother used the spare key she always kept for me room to get in. "Hi mom." I said innocently. "Hi sweetie," She said kindly, and most importantly unaware, "I'm going to go to the store for a bit, okay?" I nodded, "'Kay ma." When she finally shut the door and left, I let out all the air I had been holding in. I realized I knew a secret that had been kept for almost fifty years. I listened to my curiosity, and now I'm stuck with a heavy burdon for the rest of my life.

(Good god that must have been a billion pages in her Journal!)

An eerie silence followed her finishing. Espio finally broke the silence, too dumb-found to realize he was asking a stupid question, "Do you think he really could....?" Seala shook her head, just as dumb-found, "I don't know.." She lifted her head to see a sparrow try and work its way inside from the small gap (AKA, the window). She stood up and charged after it, "DIDN'T I JUST TELL YOU FEATHERED FREAKS TO STAY THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE?!" Espio burst into laughter as she chased the small bird around the room, "I HATE HAVING YOUR SH!T ALL OVER!!!" The bird just screamed in bird language.

Shadow wrote:
OOC: Goodness XD.


Last edited by ShadowWolf on Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Thoughtful Ocean Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thoughtful Ocean   Thoughtful Ocean Icon_minitimeSun Mar 29, 2009 3:54 pm

Shadow stared mournfully at a picture of Maria smiling with him. He went to his laptop (stolen, of course), and went to the government's website. He deftly typed in the password, going to "Project S.H.A.D.O.W" His fists clenched as he stared at all this information of himself. He printed everything, and then broke into the site. He shut it down, and deleted all the info on him until it was hopelessly lost. Then he simply typed in, "Enough of this nonsense. I have the information-that's all I need. Thanks for nothing. For killing Maria, the professor. This is WHAT. YOU. GET.

Flint sped through the streets until she reached the far reach of the docks, where country met. As she suspected, Juliette was there. "Hey, Juliette!" she called, waving.
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Thoughtful Ocean Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thoughtful Ocean   Thoughtful Ocean Icon_minitimeMon Mar 30, 2009 4:05 pm

Espio ran hopelessly after the speeding Seala, "Seala! Just where is it that we're going?!" He called after her. She looked at him over her shoulder, "~They~'re telling me something is horribly wrong here. And to answer your question, we're going to the Gem-stone Grove." Espio's eyes widened as he picked up the pace and caught up with her, "But Seala- We can't go THERE!" Seala looked at him critically, "And why is that?" Espio sighed, "Because that place is a place of prayer, nothing of this sort should be taken there." Seala resisted yelling at him for not listening to her at this urgent moment, "Look Mr. Wise Ninja," she growled at him sharply, "You're not the only one around here who ~They~ talk to. They're telling me to go there, and that's that!" Espio realized with a groan that there was no arguing with Seala. He blinked as they breached the wall of the forest into the blinding sun-light. They crossed an old, dirt road and jumped a wooden fence. Soon they were both streaking across the country toward another forest in the distance.

(Continued in "Country Side", "Gem-stone Grove")
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PostSubject: Re: Thoughtful Ocean   Thoughtful Ocean Icon_minitime

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